Notice for ME admission against some vacant seats (Published on 22.10.2024)
ME Admission Form & Information-2024 (Published on 22.10.2024)
NewCGPA format UG 2017-21 onwards
New Programme Schedule of ME 1st Sem Exam 2024-25 [Corrigendum] (Published on 05.02.2025)
New Programme Schedule for BE and ME ODD Sem Theoretical Exam 2024-25 (Published on 20.01.2025)
New Programme Schedule for BE and ME ODD Semester Theoretical Exam 2024-25 (Published on 15.01.2025)
Notice for Exam Form fill up BE Odd Sem(5th and 7th) Regular & Supple Exam (Published on 10.01.2025)
PPS Notification (Published on 08.01.2025)
Notice Regarding Semester Lab Examinations (Published on 03.01.2025)
Regarding Programme Schedule for BE and ME ODD Semester Sessional - Practical Exam 2024-25 (Published on 27.12.2024)
ME Provisional Result List of Semester-II (Regular & BP) (Published on 18.12.2024)
B.E. Provisional Result List of Semester-VI (Regular and BP) (Published on 02.12.2024)
B.E. Provisional Result List of Semester-IV (Regular and BP) (Published on 29.11.2024)
BE Provisional Result List of Semester-II (Regular and BP) (Published on 29.11.2024)
B.E. Provisional Result List of Semester-VIII (Special BP) (Published on 23.10.2024)
8th Sem 2023-24 Result List (Published on 23.10.2024)
PPS Notification (Published on 22.10.2024)
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the institute authority to arrange for vocational training for all the students free of cost. The students are encouraged to arrange vocational training for themselves by their own efforts. They should also be prepared to pay the requisite training fee/ charges demanded by different organizations for training for training to be arranged by the institute authority.
Summer training has been arranged in different Government, Private & Government Undertaking organizations. Some of them are ISI, Kolkata; CMERI, Durgapur; NICS, Kolkata; DVC, Jharkhand; ONGC, Kolkata; SINP, Kolkata; WBPDCL, Bakreswar; NTPC, Farakka; Webel Mediatronics, Kolkata;, Kolkata; DCL, Kolkata; DPL, Durgapur; ASP, Durgapur; BNK-e Solution, Kolkata; VAI Engineering & Automation, Kolkata, Philips Carbon, Durgapur; Airport Authority of India, Kolkata; WBSEDCL, NKID, etc.
The institute authority makes sincere efforts to arrange a number of interviews both on campus and off campus, where the students prove their merits to secure an employment. Institute arranges training and soft skills for the students to increase the employability skills at their own cost. As a result of the sincere efforts of the institute and students, a good percentage of students could be placed through on and off campus drive in the year of 2011 and 2012. Like previous years, companies such as TCS, IBM, L&T, Infotech, Infosys, i-Flex, FCG, CMC, Tech Mahindra, Mahindra Satyam, Haldia Petrochemicals, Matix Fertilizer, Wipro Infotech, Pinnacle, Zycus, Indian Army, Indian Navy etc. Were contacted for on and off campusing.
Mr. Rupam Gangopadhyay
Telefax: +91-342-2658776 Fax:+91-342-2530452,
WLL: +919476322966
Mob: +919564632839
For detail mail us at:,,