Department of Electrical Engineering

Notice (Advertisement)

NewNotice for Admission in ME courses-2024 (Published on 24.06.2024)

NewME Admission Form & Information-2024 (Published on 24.06.2024)

Notice (Examination)

NewCGPA format UG 2017-21 onwards

NewTCPA format UG 2019

NewTCPA format ME 2019

EXAM Folder

NewME Provisional Result List of Semester-IV (Regular and BP) (Published on 22.08.2024)

NewProgramme Schedule for B.E. 8th Sem Special Supplementary Theoretical and Sessional Exam 2023-24 (Published on 21.08.2024)

Notice for 8th Sem Special Back Paper Exam Form fill up (Published on 16.08.2024)

PPS Sem VIII (Published on 08.08.2024)

BE Provisional Result List of Semester-VIII (Regular and BP) (Published on 31.07.2024)

Provisional Result List of Semester-VIII Examination (2023-24), Biswajit Mohanty (Published on 31.07.2024)

Revised Programme Schedule for ME Even Sem Theory Exam 2023-24 (Published on 22.07.2024)

Revised Programme Schedule for BE and ME Even Sem Theoretical and Sessional Exam 2023-24 (Published on 21.06.2024)

Notification - Students who Failed to Fill-up Form within the Extended Period, Meet EIC Urgently (Published on 20.06.2024)

Departmental Profile

Electrical engineering, the discipline that employs the largest number of engineers, covers everything related to electrical machines & devices, systems, and the use of electricity. Contemporary electrical engineering is a broad discipline that encompasses a wide range of activities. A common theme is the use of electricity and electromagnetism for the generation, transmission, processing, storage, conversion, and control of information and energy. An equally important aspect is the human interface and the role of individuals as the sources and recipients of information. Electrical engineers work on power plants, computers, and other electrical devices. Electrical engineers are designing the dashboard computers that will monitor engine functions on automobiles of the future. In every bit of our modern life electrical engineers contributes with their innovation and vision. Right from hair driers to power generating systems they have plethora of work opportunities.

The need for increasingly faster and more sophisticated methods of handling information poses a major challenge to the present electrical engineer. New materials, devices, circuits, systems, and networks are needed to build the advanced communications and information-handling systems of the future. Previous innovations in electrical engineering have had a dramatic impact on the way in which we work and live: the transistor, integrated circuits, computers, radio and television, satellite transmission systems, lasers, fiber optic transmission systems, and medical electronics. Their efforts toward what is rapidly becoming an all-purpose technical degree prepare them for careers in telecommunication, medicine, sales, and business management and in nearly every field of engineering.

The department started undergraduate course in Electrical Engineering in 2008.Since inception the department is working continuously towards contributing novel and innovative ideas in Electrical Engineering to keep pace with the latest technological developments. The faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department at UIT is dedicated to continued innovation through its program of academic instruction and research. Our undergraduate academic program is designed to prepare the student for a career in industry or business by providing him or her with a thorough foundation of the fundamental concepts and analytical tools of contemporary electrical engineering.


At present department is offering one undergraduate course in Electrical Engineering.

Faculty members

Faculty NameDesignationAcademic QualificationsJoined UIT, BU
Mr. Kallol Roy Assistant ProfessorM.E.
Dr. Biplab Satpati Assistant ProfessorM.E, PhD
Mr. Rajib Sadhu Assistant ProfessorM.Tech
Dr. Soumya DasAssistant ProfessorM.E, PhD

Supporting Staff

NameDesignationAcademic QualificationsDate of Joining
Mr. Sanjay KonerJunior Technical AssistantDiploma in Electrical Engg.22.9.2009
Md. HasanujjamanJunior Technical AssistantB.Tech (EE)1.6.2010


Electrical Machines Laboratory, Power System Laboratory ,Relay and protection Laboratory, Control Systems Laboratory, Power Electronics & Drives Laboratory, Microprocessor and Micro-controller Laboratory, Circuits and Measurements Laboratory, Basic Electrical Engineering

Laboratory, Project Laboratory equipped with process instruments, data acquisition systems, PLC ,DCS&SCADA.

Electrical Machines Laboratory, Power System Laboratory ,Relay and protection Laboratory, Control Systems Laboratory, Power Electronics & Drives Laboratory, Microprocessor and Micro-controller Laboratory, Circuits and Measurements Laboratory, Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Project Laboratory equipped with process instruments, data acquisition systems, PLC ,DCS&SCADA.