In-Charge, Computer Centre
Dr. Ajay Auddy
System Engineer
Computer Centre
M.C.A., Ph.D.
Department of Computer Centre
The University of Burdwan
Golapbag, Bardhaman - 713104
West Bengal, INDIA.
Email :
The University of Burdwan
Golapbag, Bardhaman - 713104
West Bengal, INDIA.
Email :
Campus-Wide Fiber Optic LAN
The University has implemented campus-wide Fiber Optic LAN with Gigabit backbone at the academic campus
(Golapbag). All the departments and sections are connected to the Computer Centre through this LAN. The
network is administered and managed by the Computer Centre.
Internet and Related Services through Broadband Connection
The Internet and Email facilities are being provided through high speed connectivity
under the NMEICT (National Mission on Education through ICT) Project of the Ministry of HRD,
Govt. of India. Also, a 50 Mbps Lease Line for academic campus at Golapbag and a 20 Mbps Lease
Line for administrative campus at Rajbati are being subscribed by the University. The services
are provided to all the departments round the clock through out the year. The services are
extended to some of the residential areas like, the Guest House, Teachers' Hostel, etc.
E-Journal Facilities under the UGC-Infonet Scheme
The E-Journal facilities under the UGC-Infonet scheme are being provided to the
academic community through the 2 Mbps Lease Line connectivity and the facility is extended
to all the departments through campus-wide LAN.
Maintenance of University Website
In-house development and the maintenance of the university official website comes under
regular activities of Computer Centre
Biometric Attendance System
Computer Centre is maintaining the centralised Biometric Attendance System in the university in which several
biometric devices at different locations of the campus are connected through LAN.
Central Library OPAC Service
The OPAC service of the SOUL software maintained by the Central Library is extended to all the departments through
the LAN.
Name | Designation | Qualifications |
System Engineer | M.C.A., Ph.D. |